
On contacting the practice , you will be offered a telephone triage appointment in the 1st instance . If a face to face appt is required following this telephone consultation , this will be arranged by the clinician.  Minor Illness, Practice nurse & Phlebotomy appointments will be face to face. 

Should you be experiencing respiratory symptoms including ear/nose/throat, if possible please perform a same day Lateral Flow Test before contacting the surgery. This is to ensure that if you are offered a face to face appt that same day, we are not taking patients with Covid into the building where other patients who may be vulnerable & our own staff are unnecessarily exposed. This is a decision made by the GP Partner Team in conjunction with the Nurses for very sound clinical reasons.  

All prescriptions will be issued directly to your chosen local Pharmacy unless you specify you wish to collect from the practice. Results will continue to be obtained via the surgery results line.

Appointments telephone number is 0345 337 1150 - Option 2

Have you seen a pharmacist/optician/dentist/physiotherapist?

Your local pharmacist can assist with the following:

  • Sore throat/cough/earache/headache
  • UTI (16-65yrs females)
  • Musculoskeletal pains: joints/limbs/back
  • Constipation/diarrhoea/indigestion
  • Athletes foot (not diabetics)
  • Acne/warts/verrucae
  • Conjunctivitis (>2yrs old)
  • Cold sores/mouth ulcers
  • Chickenpox/worms/head lice
  • Hayfever/nasal congestion
  • Haemorrhoids
  • Thrush (16-60yrs)
  • Eczema & allergies
  • Pain/period pain
  • Threadworms
  • Smoking cessation advice
  • Blood pressure testing service
  • Weight management help


Patients arriving more than 10 minutes late for an appointment will be asked to re-book another appointment time.  Furthermore, in fairness to patients arriving on time, late-comers will not be guaranteed an appointment. 

If you need medically urgent advice , please telephone, give your details, and you will be telephoned as soon as possible by a clinican. if this is life-threatening, please call 999 without delay. 

To ensure that you are treated by the appropriate medical support -

Minor Illness Nurse - can assist with the following:

  • New cough (>3 weeks)
  • Sore throat/ears
  • Sinusitis
  • UTI (female >65yrs of Trimethoprim allergy)
  • UTI (adult male)
  • Chest infection
  • Conjunctivitis(6mths-2yrs)

Excluding: children<6mths, pregnant women, patients with an active cancer or undergoing chemotherapy

Advanced Nurse Practitioner (ANP) - can assist in general with the same ailments as your GP excluding: patients <6mths, pregnant women, mental health problems, breast problems, contraception, gynaecology issues, testicle/penis problems.

The Practice Nurse - can assist with the following:

  • Dressings
  • Blood pressure checks (not on medication)
  • Bloods/ECG/Immunisations
  • Chronic Disease Clinics


Phlebotomy Service

Please note this service is provided in practice by the Health Care Support Workers of the NHSG Grampian CTAC ( Community Treatment & Care) Team.

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